A downloadable game

This is the game that is based on the Urban Myth called Backroom. You can find the original source here. 

The story is like the following:

The uploader of the video received thousands of subscribers (800K+), money, and power. However, his friend who filmed the video is still stuck in the Backroom maze. The player (uploader) was suffering from guilt and responsibility. Thus, he decided to go into the Backroom to find his friend and rescue him.

We are team #5 Ubihard

Our discord# is Sungwoo#2978, hayd/hayv#3178, Jimiiscool21#3408, Nae#7392


backroom (1).sb3 6.2 MB

Install instructions

You will have to open the game using Scratch.

To do so, please go to the following link https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/editor/?tutorial=getStarted and open the downloaded file. You wouldn't have to download scratch or signup. You only need to open the scratch file using the Scratch website.

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